Open the Mind - Let the Body Move - Freedom
Stefanie is the owner of Dance for the Soul, focused on healing the whole individual: body, mind, and spirit.
She is the creator of the DFTS Masters Method for Health, Healing, & Living™ and the DFTS Format of Improvisational Belly Dance. She is certified in Health & Nutritional Coaching, Massage Therapy, Meditation, Yoga, and Breathwork.
She is a professional and award-winning Belly Dance performer, and has been featured in Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Journal Sentinel, M Magazine, and Belly Dance: A Raqs Sharqi Magazine.
Stefanie has been practicing holistic modalities in health and healing for over 30 years, and with this experience brings a very unique and holistic approach to all her classes, workshops, and one on one coaching sessions. She is very passionate about teaching her students and clients the benefits of integrative nutrition, lifestyle change, meditation, yoga, dance, and traditional fitness. She helps them understand and redesign the way they think in order to create a life that is balanced, magical, and filled with joy!
Your Journey Starts Here…Your Journey Starts Now.
Let Stefanie help you bridge the gap between where you are & where you want to go.
Belly Dance
Have you ever danced when no one was around and felt an inner joy that was indescribable? Are you looking for a unique way to move your body? Do you want to become part of a community that not only celebrates all body types, but also our individual uniqueness? Then Stefanie’s classes are for you! No experience is necessary, and all are welcome. Come and be a part of something amazing and exciting. Experience for yourself the joy that dance brings!
Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork
Are you busy with family, career, or other responsibilities and never seem to find the time to just relax and recharge? Never tried Yoga, Meditation, or Breathwork? Or perhaps you already have a personal practice but want to go deeper to facilitate extensive healing? Programs are created based on individual needs to help with stress reduction, managing chronic pain, weight loss, strength and flexibility training, and mental/emotional clarity.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching
Do you need to make a change? Not sure where to start? Or do you get started then lose your momentum and never seem to reach that ultimate vision you had for yourself? Programs are created for the individual and span all areas of life to get to the heart of the matter and uncover the real challenges. Then we meet them head on and take action, allowing you to reach your goal while at the same time creating lasting change.
Client Testimonial
I discovered belly dance many years ago while living in Santa Fe, NM. I took classes in several different styles of belly dance before being introduced to the joy of ATS by Myra Krien of Pomegranate Studios. Although I loved it, at that time my personal life did not allow me to attend many classes. I promised myself that once I had the time, I would truly study the dance form. I re-found belly dance in 2006 after moving to the Sheboygan, WI area.
I now study both Stefanie Masters’ Dance for the Soul format as well as Sacred Moon SGI format. The first is all about feeling and expressing the music, I love the freedom of DFTS. The second provides a structure and a sense of community that is so fulfilling to share. One of my favorite aspects of SGI is the variety of movements that have been interpreted from many different styles of dance. It is truly a blend of influences from the global community.
Much to my surprise, I also use the lessons learned in belly dance classes in my professional life as a Project Manager. The concepts needed to dance together as a unit such as building trust and awareness of each other can be effectively applied to improve team dynamics in a corporate environment.
Belly dance is also a wonderful antidote to a stressful day at work. Even if I am very tired and irritable when I get to dance class, I always leave feeling happy. And this is something that my husband and two teenagers particularly appreciate!
Belly dance feeds my soul. I use it as a moving meditation and as a holistic form of healing. I dance for my soul, for myself, to heal, to rejuvenate, to share and to celebrate. I have found my heart in belly dance.